Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Largely dry rain

That totipotent rain from last week became largely not rain. It did for a while transform itself into smir, but mostly it was distinguished by its absence.

This morning I awoke to hear the Radio4 weather report announce that there was very little rain about. I rarely rely on these without some head out the window verification action. Radio4 headline weather is always about the South-East of Britain. Very often this is the opposite to the West of Scotland. But today even the 'North of England, Northern Ireland and South West of Scotland' section warns that we will be 'largely dry'.

Largely. How large is that dryness I wonder. Head out the back window I see only bright blue. Head out the front shows black. So probably we will be largely dry if that big section of black moves somewhere else. And so it did. We had a glorious day.

Glasgow sky half blue half cloudy
Glasgow sky: the border between largely dry and largely wet

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