Thursday, 29 March 2012

Breaking news: blogging prevents rain

The ridiculously fine weather in Glasgow over the last 5 days proves that weather can be controlled by blogging: start a blog about rain and the rain is guaranteed to stop. The length of the effect is still to be determined.

Kelvingrove Museum against a blue sky
Glasgow sky: ridiculously blue

Since starting her blog '366 Words for Rain' upSlope Aunty reports that rain in Glasgow has dried up and that the last 5 days have been entirely rainless. 

upSlopeAunty explains that this is part of the 'watched pot' effect, ie that it is possible delay a kettle reaching boiling point simply by watching it. upSlopeAunty contends that if enough people were to blog about Glasgow rain the prevailing weather patterns in the town may shift to a less blogged location. Livingston seems a likely place.


  1. That explains why after a nice sunny spell in our region it's suddenly started raining. It's your fault for scaring the rain over here...

    1. Oh I'm real sorry about that Andy. But, there are some advantages to rainy weather: a big one here is that in the rain outdoor drinking is confined to covered paths, under bridges etc so the presence of glass is easier to predict; in the sun there is drinking (and therefore glass) everywhere! But maybe this is not a problem in your region. :-)
