Saturday 24 March 2012

National route 7 through a thin veil of misty hazey haar type stuff

We had planned a ride along the Glasgow Harbour to Bowling section of  National Route 7. We expected fabulous weather. We should have known better: we wake to find that the glorious sunshine in Glasgow has been obscured by a mist. Or was it merely a haze? If we were over in Edinburgh we would probably apply the lovely term 'haar' to the phenomenon. What ever we call it, it persists all day.

View from Bowling, misty sky merging in to river
Glasgow sky: indistinguishable from river

We followed the plan anyway. All along the route it seems that people are behaving as if it was the promised glorious day. Lots of people about. Smiles everywhere, polite sharing of paths, dogs and children kept under control. This in stark contrast to parts of the route which are thick with broken glass. I wonder  where the angry anti-social lot that created these hazards have got to. No sign of them today in this would-be-sunny-if-it-wasn't-so-misty fineness.

There were many fellow cyclists about. Nearly all breeds spotted. But sadly not anyone from the frog family. Help! My Chain Came Off gives a great demonstration of this cycling family style. Where were those frogs today? Maybe off somewhere with the bottle smashers.

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